Our Story

Our Story

Teddy's Says "Thank You!"

Thank you for visiting LoveHumanity.com and supporting our mission. Your purchase helps bring life-saving and life-changing relief for children worldwide.

When I started LoveHumanity.com, I wanted to help end the suffering so many kids needlessly go through – particularly children living in poverty.

I always found myself thinking, “There has got to be something more I can do.” Writing and mailing checks to children’s charities simply was not enough.

I believe in the common good of people, in that people truly care. We all especially ache in our hearts for humanity’s children, how can you not?

Just look around us – 20% of U.S. children live in poverty… 9,000 children die worldwide everyday simply from malnutrition or a lack of food… and millions of children live with daily violence and a lack of medical care. And many avoidable childhood diseases that can be easily cured, end up leading to a lifetime of suffering. We even see this in our own country.

Designing and selling product is only a means to an end for me - which is to help impoverished children and to help end the needless cycle of poverty affecting millions of people worldwide.

If you would like to join us, please visit our Ambassador Program to see how you can earn while giving back.

Remember...“Love Begins with You!™”

Our Purpose ~ How We Give

Our purpose is to be love-in-action, to pragmatically help children in need, and to inspire people to connect in realizing we are all one humanity.

We partner with charities with a successful record of improving children's lives. We also partner with community based charities that have a great story, are led by courageous leaders, and are aligned with an impact that parallels our Mission.

Remember, "Beauty is as beauty does."

Help us spread the beauty and to "make everything beautiful" in the lives of less fortunate children.